Frequently Asked

Why did I start designing jewelry?
I have always loved jewelry and adornments of any kind. When I would travel abroad I often brought back A LOT of jewelry. However, sometimes the things I loved when I was abroad— didn’t necessarily translate to my everyday style at home.
The idea for Société Urbane was born out of a desire to wear jewelry that paid homage to indigenous cultures but translated into highly wearable everyday statement pieces. I couldn’t find anything out there that was not only special but also within my price range. So—I designed it myself!
How do I do it?
I love the creative process! But it is still a process. Often, it involves quick mood boards, or research —or I may just see a person in the street that inspires an idea for a piece.
Typically, after creating a shell of an idea-- I lay out my materials and see where it takes me. I’ll create combinations on instinct adding and subtracting. The process usually ends with me at my work table surrounded by piles of materials and a singular piece (or many on a good day) that I love. It is the best feeling when I achieve my vision.
What inspires me?
My many global ramblings, distant cultures and individual style are huge inspirations for me. Through a lifetime of living and traveling abroad, I am now able to transport wearers to those places with my work. I’m also obsessed with streetstyle and observing how people adorn themselves. It provides me with an endless amount of creative inspiration.
Why Gold—where’s the silver?
I like the luxury of gold (golden elements). I love the history of this precious metal and the way that ancient indigenous cultures used and revered it over centuries. I also like the juxtaposition of gold against other simple materials. Again, it’s a way to explore the idea of why we place higher value on some organic materials and not others.
Where’s the color?
My jewelry gives a nod to minimalism in that I intentionally work with a limited color palette. The immediate reason for this was because I love the simplicity of black, gold, white and varying shades of neutrals (i.e. greys and browns). Second, because the challenge of those parameters became addictive. It helps streamline my ideas (there are many!) but also encourages this crazy puzzle of creative possibilities through limitation.
Why I do it?
I love connecting with people and helping them feel magical enough to take on anything. The right adornments and clothing can do just that. I most love seeing people feeling beautiful in their own skin. We need more of that!
I continue to be inspired by the strength of the women around me and those whose paths I cross daily. Their stories and journeys constantly remind me to be creative and bold.
Giving Back
I donate a portion of my profits from my pop-ups to specific non-profits that benefit women, children and victims of natural disasters. If you have a suggestion for a group or organization close to your heart please send me a note at